Howler's RFID technology means fast, secure, accurate, digital accreditation.
Multiple roles
Place multiple access conditions on a single wristband or lanyard.
Personal information
You can store tons of event-specific info on each RFID wristband or lanyard.
The whole process is encrypted, so you and your customers are protected against funny business.
Live reporting
See who goes where, and when, in real time, with up-to-date reports.
At your festival
Smoother access means more control, and more freedom to make more moments that matter.
Zone management
Digitise the management of festival zones, with unique (even quantity-based) access permissions.
Crew access
Forget the days of 10 different coloured bands. Put your crew where you need them. Add and remove access permissions with ease.
Enhanced security
Safeguard your brand, your vendors and your customers.
In case of emergency...
Howler's RFID wristbands and lanyards can store important personal info like medical details and next of kin, for quicker responses when it counts.
At your expo
Exhibitions don't make much sense until you translate milling crowds into real customers.
Exhibitor accreditation
Put your crowd of exhibitors where you need them, with easily-altered expo access permissions.
Lead generation
With one tap, provide contact details to exhibitors so you can chat to them again later.
Better with Howler Cashless
Using cashless alongside access control means a single RFID wristband and a seamless event experience.
At your conference
With Howler, you can make the conference experience as impressive as the content.
Check-in, Check-out
Enable attendees to check in and out of sessions. Streamline the whole event - and change the game.
Open to connections
Howler Access Control works best with Howler Ticketing, but has the built-in APIs to integrate with other systems too. Although we prefer our system, you can use yours.
At any event
Improve the event experience, whatever the event format.
Customer rewards
Incentivise purchases with value-adding extras, prizes, access or special offers.
Tough to beat, easy to rely on
An RFID wristband is not just a scrap of coloured plastic, so it can't be easily duplicated. Plus it runs offline, no matter what the networks do.
Understand behaviour
Get the insights you need to take the decisions that make your event experience better. (And your customers, happier. Obviously.)